Thursday, August 25, 2011

I decided I'm probably the type of person who blogs...

...We'll see how it goes.
I've lived in Copenhagen for approximately three weeks now. It goes by so fast, looking back, but each day feels so long. I can't wait to get home from Danish class, make dinner and pass out.
I've done a lot in these three weeks, and I probably should have started blogging right when I got here. Oh well. Rough overview time it is, then.

1) I got madly lost trying to find my apartment the first day. I walked up and down the street parallel to mine for about two hours. Thank goodness I had a map. Sadly, I did not know how to read said map.

2) When I got here I thought people lived here. Nope. I was alone for about three weeks, livin' in a creepy ass apartment.

3) I finally got a flatmate this week! After living alone for three weeks, I'm so glad to have someone to share this creepy, tiny little apartment with. I'm expecting five more in the next coming weeks. Should be interesting!

4) My first weekend here I went to the largest castle in Scandinavia. Pretty sick. It's just outside of Copenhagen city. I really want to explore all the little nooks and crannies of this tiny country. Everything was so pretty and it was raining a little; the perfect day for a country jaunt.

5) I have already visited another country! Okay, just Sweden, which is a half-hour train ride away, but still. We went to Malmö, which is connected to Copenhagen by a bridge. It was really cute. Very different than Copenhagen though. Its less like a big city and more like a little tourist town. The people were altogether less hot and less friendly than here in CPH, but we ate Swedish meatballs, so all in all it was a good day.

6) I learned Danish! HAHAHAH. Not really. I have been taking an intensive language course in Danish for the past three weeks, and this week I have my exams. I learned how to say my name, tell people where I'm from and tell them what I'm studying. Somehow the phrases, "where is the bathroom?" and "HELP! I'm being mugged." were not included in this course. Maybe they'll be in the advanced class?

7) I've met such great people here from all over. Even though I tend to stick to my Californians (and one Slovakian) it's still nice to get a bigger picture of the world by meeting the people who populate it.

8) The food here is a challenge. Mostly because I can't read Danish. That was probably what the language class was for. Whoops. I still have yet to buy and cook meat. Its scary! So far I've been living on cafeteria food, pasta and spinach with the occasional boiled egg in there for protein. I've tried to integrate by adding some of the weird Danish yogurt flavors and rye bread to my life, so we'll see how that works out. I do miss Mexican food though. I tried to find a good place, but sadly, everything is over priced for the pathetic little budget I have worked out.

9) I'm going to start rowing again! I just couldn't leave this one out. I found a great rowing club with classy ass ergs and I'm planning on working my little butt off. No really though. All the pastries have to come off somehow.

10) I've been to museums, seen crazy Danish movies, walked on cobblestones, gotten lost copious amounts of times, gotten on the wrong metro, the wrong bus, bought the wrong kind of yogurt. But everything is getting a lot easier to do. I'm so glad that I'm not being a stupid little baby about it anymore. I could have missed a grand opportunity to travel and meet amazing people.

So yeah, first blog. Semi-successful, if I do say so myself.
Next time- Adventures in Vienna!

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